Springboard Road Show Foundation

Michael Owusu Agyemang

Intervention: CoRe

CoRe has expanded my knowledge base. 

Michael credits CoRe with giving him a deeper understanding of and interest in his chosen industry, which is insurance. He shares his story:

My name is Michael Owusu Agyemang, and I am based in Kumasi. I first heard of CoRe through a friend via WhatsApp. I was schooling while working for a life insurance company. I had some financial challenges due to COVID that affected my schooling. I therefore took advantage to participate in the Insurance mentoring sessions of the CoRe Programme.

I cannot believe how much my understanding of my industry has been enhanced. And I got all this for free! I now have a far better understanding of both the life and non-life insurance dimensions of the business. Through the CoRe initiative, my overall interest in insurance has increased. I have even gone ahead to take out a life insurance policy and I am educating all my contacts to be on one as well. After all, you cannot sell what you haven’t experienced.

CoRe has taught me how to conduct myself more professionally. I have also come to value work ethics far more, thanks to my mentor, Masud, and the entire CoRe team.