Springboard Road Show Foundation

Lydia Tettekie

Intervention: CoRe

CoRe made me smile and keep on moving. 

Lydia experienced significant financial disruptions both as a student and teacher because of the coronavirus pandemic. She shares how CoRe helped her to survive and cope:

I am Lydia Tettekie. I was a student and teacher before the outbreak of COVID-19. The pandemic was an absolute tragedy to me, both as a student and a teacher. The resultant financial hardship made life a struggle.

To survive, I had to relocate to the village to live with my extended family. I determined to do something because there was no knowing when the pandemic was going to end. Before the pandemic, I also used to prepare a cereal mix for sale. My work as a teacher, however, did not allow me to go round hawking my product, so I got the idea of turning it into a real business to support myself and my family.

The starting point was not easy at all, I must say. It was really challenging trying to turn my hobby or leisure activity into a business. Although tiring, I encouraged myself to keep going because nothing good comes easy.

Things began to change when I started receiving daily quotes from the CoRe programme. The daily motivational messages always reminded me of something I needed to do. I declare that I regained my inner strength because of these inspirational messages. I confess that there were several times when I felt like stopping, but somehow, a smile crept through the gloom each time and I kept moving.

I have also learnt a lot about entrepreneurship and how to go about building one’s own business. God richly bless all our leaders and mentors on this platform.