Springboard Road Show Foundation

Kofitse Dogbatse

Intervention: CoRe

CoRe gave me my digital ‘baptism’. 

For someone who had a phobia for digital media, Precious is now able to share relevant content with others via YouTube, Video Ask, Facebook and other social media platforms. He shares his story of personal development:

I am Precious Dzidzornu Kofitse Dogbatse, a teacher based in the Oti Region of Ghana. I joined the Corporate Finance mentoring group on the CoRe Programme where I had the privilege of having Mr. Roland Akafia as my mentor.

I am very grateful to the CoRe Programme for the great help it has been to me. It had always been my passion to leverage social media in sharing information with the world. However, upon completion of my Bachelors’ degree, I had no external push to propel me towards the attainment of this goal. I therefore found myself of the fringes of many of the developments in the digital space.

To further compound the situation, the e-learning approach to teaching and learning introduced by schools during the coronavirus pandemic did not benefit me: nothing had prepared me for the shift. I lacked the skills and I struggled to keep pace with the new trends.

This was my main challenge until I encountered CoRe and embraced their training modules. The e-learning, e-mentoring, and e-counselling sessions I participated in resurrected my dead passion and restored a fresh wave of confidence within me.

Today, I am delighted to say that I can share relevant content with others via YouTube, Video Ask, Facebook and other social media platforms. My heartfelt gratitude goes to the CoRe Team, especially the resource persons who handled the Problem-Solving session on the Corporate Finance platform. I may not have attained the goal and certainly, there is much more to imbibe, but that inferiority complex I grappled with is no more.

Thank You CoRe, Thank you Springboard!