Springboard Road Show Foundation

Kofi Asempa

Intervention: CoRe

I have learnt so much for free. 

Kofi considers the cost of education and cannot believe he’s learnt so much from the CoRe Programme for free. He tells his story:

My name is Kofi Asempa. I joined the Creative Writing Group of the CoRe mentoring programme, and my life has not been the same as a result. CoRe has afforded me the opportunity to learn many things I would have paid money to learn elsewhere. I benefitted immensely from topics such as problem solving, savings and investments, and the value of networking and relationships.

I have learnt my networks can be a major contributing factor to my vision or a liability depending on the people I interact with or regularly relate to. I am determined to cultivate the right relationships and do away with every wrong relationship. I really thank the leadership of the CoRe Programme.

It has refocused my life.