I want the world to experience the best of me.
Through his patronage of the CoRe Programme, Joseph has been empowered with the skills needed to set up his photography business. He looks back at how this helped him to overcome the disruptions caused by the coronavirus:
My name is Joseph Twum Addo, and I am based at Ablekuma in Accra. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I played multiple roles; first as a student and as a National Service person with a private company while trying to start my own business.
The main setback I encountered during the pandemic was when the company where I was doing my National Service asked us to stay at home. This was a very disconcerting experience.
I heard about the CoRe Programme through the YIEDIE Youth Group. I got on board and found it to be a priceless initiative. The lessons I received in photography were top notch. My perspectives and orientation were reshaped. I received the impetus to raise the money to start my own photographic studio, thanks to my mentor, Mr. Kofi Gyasi Acquah.
Going forward, I am committed to saving money from my earnings to procure the equipment I need for my business. I want the world to experience the best of me and benefit from what I have learnt through this wonderful CoRe initiative.
I give the credit and appreciation to the CoRe team and to the YIEDIE Group through which I heard about CoRe.