A mind- blowing encounter.
James has been challenged and inspired to become an achiever. Being a naturally shy person, he’s gradually learning to overcome that challenge. He believes that the insight he’s gained on building a business and career will serve him well on the path to success.
I’m James Nii Quaye, an automotive engineer and start-up poultry farmer. I was a member of the Agribusiness Mentoring group of the CoRe programme. My idea of doing business has really been changed. I had very little knowledge about the many business strategies and avenues that were brought to light during the sessions. It was like a mind-blowing encounter. My scope of options has expanded greatly. My communication skills have improved. I used to be very shy and found it an arduous task interacting with others, but that situation is gradually improving.
I have been challenged to dream big and attain success especially after encountering the mentors and counsellors who helped us through the programme.
I am a better person now, thanks to the CoRe mentoring programme.