I am enjoying the new learning experience.
Elsie has been ushered into the world of investment through the sessions on the CoRe Programme. She looks forward to consolidating the gains made.
I am Elsie Asumaning Baffoe. I come from the Central Region and work in the accounting unit of an institution. I heard of CoRe on the Joy Prime Television channel. I found the e-learning content very relevant to my situation. This was because the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic had led to the ineffectiveness in my work.
I subsequently found out about the mentoring component of the programme. Based on my career aspirations and my interests, I joined the Investment group. I intend to learn as much as I can about the investment firms we have in Ghana, how they run their business and how they target their clients. My mentor for this course was Leticia Baiden and I and look forward to learning more and investing in the right firm.