Springboard Road Show Foundation

Edudzi Winner Nukunu

Intervention: CoRe

Choosing better responses in life. 

Having struggled in the past with managing setbacks, the CoRe programme gave given him a better outlook about life. Edudzi is hopeful of applying the lessons and living a more productive and impactful life.

My name is Edudzi Winner Nukunu. Before joining the CoRe Programme, I was poor at responding properly to situations that come my way. However, with the deep thoughts and knowledge gained from the programme so far, I have realized that my responses to the issues of life can either make or unmake me.

I’m therefore now more deliberate in choosing how I respond to life rather than reacting poorly to situations, which only further worsen matters. One other key lesson I have taken so far is about how to harness my gifts and talents and transform them into value for others and in business pursuits as well.