Springboard Road Show Foundation

Douglas Appesika Aguddey

Intervention: CoRe

Lines falling in pleasant places. 

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic dashed Douglas’ hope of starting his business but through providence, he had a call that led him to start following the CoRe Mentoring programme. The story has been different ever since.

My name is Douglas Aguddey from the CoRe Bright Akan group. In 2019, I went through a training programme in painting through YIEDIE and another in Entrepreneurship at African Aurora Business Network (AABN). My plan was to start my professional painting business in 2020, but COVID-19 disrupted this idea completely. I became disappointed, confused, and perplexed. I shared my concerns with one of my training instructors, and that opened a new chapter of my life. He introduced me to the CoRe mentoring programme. I started listening to the CoRe Programme and started getting encouraged anytime I listened. To the glory of God, the lines have started falling in the right places for me and I am bouncing back on my feet and achieving my goals.

I have learned through joining the CoRe sessions that challenges must not put us down, but we must find the strength to overcome our challenges by identifying other opportunities that we may have been blind to. CoRe taught me to identify my talents and to use them to solve societal challenges. I have also learnt a lot of new skills and gained knowledge about business, including lessons on how to relate to clients and serve them to the best of my abilities.

I am indeed very grateful to the CoRe Programme for helping me. I am encouraged to continue improving my skills and learning new ways of providing the best services.

Thank you.