Failing Is Not Final.
David’s key take-away from the CoRe programme is that failing is not final; that failure offers an opportunity to try again, again and again until you succeed. He shares his story.
My name is David Hammond, a beneficiary of the CoRe Programme. Overall, the various sessions over the weeks have been very impactful for me and I must say thank you to the CoRe team. I particularly found the sessions on ‘Building Resilience’ and “Bouncing Back” more impactful in my life.
Through the programme, I learnt that successful people or winners were not people who had never failed, but rather persons who failed but fought back and won. Indeed, failing offers us an opportunity to persist and succeed.
After the sessions on resilience, I reckoned that since we cannot guarantee that we would never fail or be broken in life, we must be prepared to forestall letting our failures or losses keep us down. We must therefore be resilient, build mental fortitude and overcome.
Thank you for the good work you are doing. God richly bless you.